It may be winter but we have been hard at work! I completed Lisa Mason-Ziegler’s Flower Farming Course while Amy did the flowers for a January wedding (using wholesale flowers of course…dreaming of the polytunnel and greenhouse days)! There is lots of planning in the works and this weekend will be a lovely spa retreat our husbands co-conspirated for us for Christmas, that will also serve as a final planning session before we announce new details to you!

In the meantime we wanted to announce to our In Bloom subscribers, before our social media followers even, that we now have Rooted Cut Flowers merchandise! We have many different logo options for you to choose from. Take a look at all the options on our new online shop!

In addition to our logo merch, we also have the release of our 2022 season theme, “Grow with the Flow.” In business we are told to take some time every year to dream, set goals, and plan for them. At Rooted Cut Flowers we are not lacking in dreams and goals but sometimes there are so many uncertainties and so many moving parts that the planning part is a little difficult. We currently grow at four different locations. We are on the search for land in Franklin County for the Mitchell family to move to and set as a permanent Rooted Flower Farm location. Walking through Target, I spotted a flowery mug with the words “Grow with the Flow.” It can be frustrating to not have all the details to plan for but that doesn’t mean we can’t grow at all. It just means we have to grow as we go! We have the ability to scale up in many ways from last year, even with things as they are. This can be applicable to many people, in many situations. Just because you don’t know the full plan, doesn’t mean you won’t grow. Maybe you too are having to “Grow with the Flow,” so we put it on a t-shirt (and a sweatshirt…and a tank top…)!

Very soon you will be receiving another update as we announce and start registration for our new 2022 CSA Bouquet Subscriptions! There will be a limited amount available, so we will give our newsletter subscribers a week’s headstart!



2022 CSA Bouquet Subscriptions

